Abstract Submission Form

Call For Abstract

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts 30 June 2023

You are invited to submit your abstracts to the 5th , to be held on 01-03 September 2023.

Depending on the number of submitted abstracts and their quality, the abstracts will be selected for eoral or e-poster presentations.

This is a virtual Congress and all presentations will be given from a distance. No physical presence is required.

Any abstract received after the deadline will not be accepted. Upon completion of the evaluation, an ‘Accepted’ or ‘Rejected’ message will be sent to authors by email, approximately 7-10 days after the deadline for submission.

Submit your Abstract

Abstract Submissions are open till June 30, 2023.

Submission Opening Soon

e-Poster Template Coming Soon

Oral Presentation Template Coming Soon

All accepted abstracts will be published in Excellence in Rheumatic and Autoimmune Diseases, the official Journal of the Congress. (https://eradjournal.com)

Abstract Categories

  • Basic and Translational Research
  • Basic Research
  • Translational research
  • Clinical Research
  • Images
  • Clinical Cases
  • Narrative and Systematic Reviews
  • Expert Opinion


A disclosure form identifying commercial relationships for all co-authors must be completed by the submitting author, if their abstract has been accepted for publication. The submitting author signs and verifies disclosure on behalf of all co-authors. Disclosure information for accepted abstracts will be made available to the attendees.

Co-Author Approval

  • The submitting author must verify that all co-authors have read and approved the submission of the abstract.
  • E-mail addresses of all co-authors must be included as per template instructions.

Acceptance & Rejection

Upon completion of the evaluation of submitted abstracts, an ‘Accepted’ or ‘Rejected’ email will be sent to the corresponding author.

Upon acceptance of an author’s submission, the following instructions below are applicable:

  • The presenting author should confirm their virtual participation on behalf of all authors if the abstract is selected for presentation upon receiving the acceptance email within one week.
  • The availability of any sort of grant relevant to the study must be descriptively mentioned.
  • Presenting authors who are eligible to apply for presentation awards/prized must apply at the submission stage.


A committee will evaluate 3 presentations for a prize allocated to young investigators (<35 years old) who are the first or last authors. Those who are eligible can apply.


  • All submitted abstracts must be in English


  • The content of the abstract is solely the responsibility of the authors. The original abstract will be used exactly as provided. During submission, it must clearly indicate the name of the presenting author, who will be considered the contact person for all correspondence connected with the submitted abstract.
  • All submitted abstracts need to have the names and surnames of all co-authors, along with their positions in their affiliated institutions and e-mail addresses


  • Abstract submissions need to be limited to 500 words.


  • An abstract must have a short, specific title (no abbreviations) that clearly indicates the nature of the investigation. It is encouraged that the title is set so as to attract the audience and hint at the conclusion of the investigation.


A well-written abstract typically has the following identified sections:

  1. Background/objectives: a brief introduction, which states the problem that you are addressing as well as some background information on the issue. The introduction of the abstract should include a very brief background of 1-2 statements followed by the objectives of the investigation.
  2. Design and methods: the methodologies, number of test subjects, and scientific approach used to conduct the research.
  3. Results: it is expected that authors present data that support their conclusion. Tables and graphs should include explanatory captions.
  4. Conclusions: further areas of research and overall conclusion of the research
    Citation: a reference list and acknowledgments, if applicable

Oral Presentations

Oral Presentation Instructions

  • The same abstract and title indicated on your submission need to be used during the conference and another topic cannot fill your currently accepted slot.
  • e-Oral presentations will be for a maximum of 8 minutes with 2 minutes for questions/comments.
  • Oral presenters need to send their PowerPoint presentation 15 days prior to the Symposium. Arrangements will be made for presenters to record their presentation in advance.
  • Presenting authors should be present at their designated hall 15 minutes before the start of the session in which they will present to ensure enough time to mount their presentations for electronic projection.
  • All presentations should be made available in Microsoft Office


Delegates can also submit their abstracts for e-poster presentation . More than 1100 delegates can view the presentations via the electronic platform of the Symposium The Congress will provide an ePosters section for the local Greek participants available at the conference.

ePoster Instructions

Please note ePosters are not online poster presentations. ePosters will be placed on the virtual website wherein the main author’s contact will be placed on their dedicated ePoster page in case virtual delegates would like to contact them. Moreover, ePosters pages will contain the submitted abstract along with the design ePoster that accepted abstract authors will need to submit using the dedicated abstract template.

Accepted ePoster Instructions

The eposters will be placed on the virtual Symposium website wherein the main author’s contact will be placed on their dedicated ePoster page in case virtual delegates would like to contact them. No need for printed poster is required designated printed

Postal Code
Abstract Title*

Upload your Abstract (doc ή docx)*
Abstract files: Word (.doc, .docx), (max file size: 10MB).
Your filename must not contain symbols,

Our company, fully respects the personal data of every participant. According to the new Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR - EU 2016/679) and due to the necessity to register in order to participate, we need your clear consent in order to maintain your personal data you have provided by filling in the respective fields of the above Registration Form. In compliance with the obligation to protect the confidentiality and the privacy of your data, we commit to exclusively use them for the purpose of this event and they will not be announced to any third party.

Please type the text shown in the following field*